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"Where Music is Our Middle Name"


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Vietnam - Music from Home

Vietnam - Music From Home - Vietnam Service Ribbon


While serving in Vietnam and like any other war letters from home were very important and all of us looked forward to receiving them whether in the field or at base camp.  It kept us up on what is going on at home with family and country.  Of course we had the AFN radio which broadcasted across Vietnam.  The music was a constant reminder of how much we missed home and added some sane moments.  The country was divided about the war but music united us all. 

Looking back I recall many of us had reel to reel tape players in our hooch with some of our favorite music to relax and reminisce.  I really started to enjoy music of all types which was unique for me because I was always rock and roll.  Most of the American music was played by USO groups.  They always liked to perform songs that made you homesick or so it seemed.

Looking back I recall many of the songs that were played on AFN radio, tape players and so forth.   Still today when I hear these songs my mind wanders back to when I heard the song for the first time.  I have selected some of the songs that were very popular during my tour of Vietnam.  Enjoy the playlist.  I hope you as a Vietnam Vet remember how great these songs truly were. 

Dedicated  to all my brothers in arms who served in the Vietnam War.



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Carl Hoffman

Carl Hoffman

Carl - Vietnam 1968

Carl Hoffman - Vietnam 1968

Juke Music

 Eva Pasco Book - Wild Mushrooms