My Hometown of Circleville, Ohio
Where It All Began
I grew up in a small town in Ohio with a population of 10,000 the
population now is around 13,000). Circleville is located 23 miles south of Columbus, Ohio and I think
the population hasn't grown much above 13,000 in 50 years since I left. It is the where the annual
Pumpkin Show is held, which is the largest street carnival in the state perhaps the U.S. I am proud of
the town where I grew up where I lived there for over 21 years of my life. Those 21 years were probably
the most memorable years of my life and I often reflect back to that time. I am retired and now live now
in the Dallas, Texas area but I do miss the old home town but certainly not the cold winters. (On the
left is a picture of the house I grew up in.)
Ted Lewis was also born in Circleville and unlike some other
celebrities, he was proud of his small town roots as I am of mine. He was famous for his top hat and his
clarinet and singing the song "Me and My Shadow" during the vaudeville days. He never missed an
opportunity while on stage or in a movie to plug Circleville, Ohio into his act or movie. So even though I am
not famous like Ted Lewis, I think it would be appropriate here to mention my roots.
I graduated from Circleville High School in 1966. Here is my
picture as senior from Circleville High School and of the high school I attended. Of course the
old high school buildiing remains but it is no longer a school.

We always found a way to keep ourselves entertained in our little environment of Town
Street, Circleville, Ohio. Our town was small but as many small towns, Circleville had its share of memorable
characters and ideal hangouts. I recall that we had our own Barney Fife type of police officer. I remember his name
but I will not divulge it for the sake of his family and his memory. I think all small towns had their own
Barney Fife or at least could relate to somebody like that.
Growing up in a small town in the 50s and 60s had its advantages
which may or may not be evident in many small communities today. As already mentioned I live around Dallas,
Texas and have lived here now for 14 years. I know my neighbor on my left and right and across the street.
That is it. While growing up in Circleville we knew everybody on the street where we lived. The families
knew the kids and kind of watched out for us and even snitched to our parents if we weren't in line.
What is so different today then yesterday? I don't have the answer. I just know most people seem so
preoccupied with their own lives to care about anybody else that isn't family. In the 60s, families only needed
one income to make ends meet.
Today it is so difficult for an average family to make a living on
one income so both parents work or there is only one parent in the home. As a result of this social outlets are
now limited to the work place and not to the home environment or our neighbors.
I recall the games we made up and perfected as we grew up in those
fun years. One that comes to mind is foil ball. I know what you are thinking "what the heck is foil
ball?" It is a game patterned around baseball. The ball is actually a tightly rolled ball of
aluminum foil. The teams were one man teams. The bat was a small wooden one, the souvenir type about
18-24 inches long. I know you have seen them. The ball is pitched from about 15 feet away and thrown as
hard as you can. You have three outs. A strike is an out and a foul ball is a strike of
course. A hit ball is a run. Very difficult to hit a pitch. Most games were low scoring.
We started having tournaments with all our friends around the neighborhood. We played this game well into our
teens. My friend Ron's mother would always go berserk because she supplied the foil. The foil ball
had to be replaced quite often as it became battered up. When she wouldn't supply us anymore, we would rip
it off her planters she had wrapped in foil. Of course Ron ended up in the doghouse over that.
Then there were our wiffle ball games. Again these were one or two
person teams played similar to foil ball but the distance you hit the ball determined of what kind of hit it was
(i.e. single, double, triple or home run). We had teams and tournaments. Since my home had a driveway with
a large street light, my home field games were under the lights. What imagination we had then! Today kids are so
involved in video games and other things with their friends that does not include getting out moving around and
getting the heart rate up. Here in the neighborhood where I live now, I seldom see pickup games of
baseball, football or basketball as we always had. This may explain the obesity in our children of
Reminiscing back to the 60s I will always remember a man by the
name of Bert Mulhberger. Looking back and thinking about those days I think he may have been homeless or
stayed with relatives or acquaintances. Back then you never even considered anybody being homeless,
although they probably existed. What was strange about this guy is that his old beat-up black 1949 Pontiac was
loaded down with clothes and sports equipment. Every kid who played sandlot sports knew Bert. He
would make his rounds to different parks and locations to get a pickup game of whatever sport was in season at
that time. He just played with the kids. This may be scary by today's standards but there was
nothing pedophile about Bert and I never heard anything bad about him except he could use a bath now and
then. He was very good at playing these sports and was he so quick for a man his age.
We had an old canning factory in my town and he would work there
during the summer season but always found the time to play. I wonder what happened to him? I am sure he
has passed away by now. Perhaps every small community had its own Bert, but looking back and thinking how
insignificant of a person he appeared, he played a large part in some young boys' lives. I think he played a
large part in mine also.
I was just recently thinking of my childhood friend Ron, as I
quite often do. We grew up together from young boys to young men. I was at his home more than mine and his
parents were like second parents to me. I graduated in 1966 and he in 1967. We were always close. He
went into the Navy and I chose the Army. I made the United States Army my career and retired in 1994. He
continues to work today and lives in a community around Columbus.
As we entered adulthood we went our separate ways. Both of
us got married and started families. We communicated for awhile and now our contact is nearly
non-existent. I try to make it a point to call or see him when I go home to Ohio. It seems like friends we
make today very seldom matches the friendships we developed when we were kids. Although these friendships fade
like an old photo, no friends I have today compare to those I had when I was growing up. Gee I miss the 60s, the
friendships, the laugher and crazy fun. Who doesn't?
Read some more of
my adventures and memories of the 60s by clicking below.
Cruisin' -My fondest memories of summers past growing up in the small town of Circleville, Ohio was
cruisin' the town. I guess from everybody's perspective it could be their home town as well. I bet all small
towns in the U.S. are all pretty much the same.
My 1965 Jade East Adventure - We wore our best jeans or dress pants, a pressed
shirt and polished shoes. Which leads me to the icon of the 60s that no guy could do without and no lady could
resist and that was Jade East Cologne. The girls just went wild over it. I believe it was a toxic agent that
released the hormones in the girls. At least that is what I thought and the buddies I hung out with
The 60s Tradition of Eating Together as a Family - The most memorable tradition of growing up in the
1960s was our eating together as a family around our large dining room table. That tradition has entirely
disappeared in today's society.
Blown Perfect Game -
Thinking back to that time when baseball was America' favorite past time, (I now think football may have taken that
lead) Sometimes we played several games a day and often played until it was too dark to actually see the ball. That
is how much we enjoyed the game of baseball. When we weren't playing on weekends we listened to Dizzy Dean and Pee
Wee Reese calling the game of the week on TV.
The Great Pumpkin Caper - It was a dark moonless night as we cruised in
Jim's 1950 black Chevy. This car wasn't the best looking machine around but it always made it to where we were
going. Since the statue of limitations has expired, I can now provide details of the Great Pumpkin
The Haunted Bridge - When I was a sophomore or junior in high
school in Circleville, Ohio. I recall the legend of a haunted bridge near a place called Yellowbud close to
Williamsport, Ohio.
Street Beat - Union
Street, Circleville, Ohio crosses my mind so often as I look back to the sixties. My friend Ron and I use to
practically live on that street during our teen years. The street was loaded with many lovely girls from high
school with whom we hung out. The 60s music we listened to is showcased here.
Street Peeping Toms - This is a continuing episode of Ron and my Union Street Chronicles from the
Trip - Growing up in
the 1960s I probably did some crazy stuff but nothing could compare to the road trip Ron, Edwin and I took to
Waverly Ohio in 1965 to see those lovely girls we had met a few months before. Besides Edwin's wheel flying off the
car with us traveling about 70 MPH, staying at one of the girl's homes while their parents were away and of course
the highway patrol looking for us, it was pretty much uneventful. Right!
Whatever Happened to The Cool Jocks? - Driving down the main drag with the radio blaring
and listening to the top music of the day was quite a memory! What characterized those great days of the 60s was
the cool disc jockeys that jammed the airways during that era. Whatever happend to them?
Ice Cream Ice Cream - During the 60s with the arrival of the dog
days of summer, came the clanging of the bell and the music of the ice cream truck arriving in the
neighborhood. Kids all over the area stopped in their track and ran home to get their dime to purchase a
treat from the frozen confectionary pusher.
Vick's Pizza - Just recently while enjoying a great pizza here in Texas, my mind began wandering back to
Circleville, Ohio, where in my teens, my friends and I frequented the one of oldest and best known pizza
establishment in town. Vick's Pizza.