Headlines and Key Facts of 1969
On The National
The growing movement against the Vietnam War is symbolized by
Moratorium Day, as thousands across the country turn out to protest U. S. policy. The My Lai massacre
U.S. soldiers of over 100 Vietnamese civilians is made
In June President Nixon announces his "Vietnamization" designed to
help the Vietnamese deal with their own problems, and extricate the U.S. from southeast Asia. "I will say
confidently that looking ahead just three years the war will be over." - President Nixon.
President Nixon selects Warren Burger to replace the retiring Earl
Warren as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Women's equality becomes a major political issue.
The trial of the Chicago Seven for 1968 protests at the
Deomocratic convention becomes a symbol of radical movement.
Senator Ted Kennedy drives his car off a bridge on Chappaquiddick
Island off Martha's Vineyard, killing his young passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne. This major story was partially
drowned out (sorry) by the moon landing that took place just days later. A week after the accident, Kennedy
received a suspended sentence, and that was the end of it. But many Americans would never look at Kennedy the
same way .
The U.S. wins the space race convincingly by landing a man on the
moon. Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, and Michael Collins fly on board Apollo 11. "Houston... Tranquility Base,
here; the Eagle has landed." Event of the century? Possibly; we all thought so at the time. We met the late
president's challenge and conquered outer space. This gave Americans confidence that we could beat the Russians
in anything... if put to the test.
Sirahan Sirahan convicted in the murder of Robert
Dwight D. Eisenhower dies.
Penthouse begins publication... in plenty of time for the
In November 250,000 protestors (mostly students) march against the
war in Washington, D.C. It is only fitting that the decade ends with just as much excitement and turmoil as it
On December 1st the Selective Service conducts the first draft
lottery since 1942, affecting 800,000 males born between 1944 and 1950.

Thousands of party-goers sludge through the mud to experience four days of rock n' roll at a
place called Woodstock. Heavy press coverage makes the event seem larger than it was and shows the passing of
baby boomers from young children to adult children.
Charles Manson and other members of
his cult murder actress Sharon Tate and six others in a horrible event that was referred to as "Helter

The ACLU (American Civil Liberties
Union) claims that marijuana is harmless to both the user and society in general.
President Nixon bans the production
of chemical weapons.
As the first of the boomers reach
their 20's, the cost of medical care begins to rise sharply.
First commerical 747 goes into
Concord makes the first trans-US
flight Seattle to New York.
On January 29th, The Beatles perform
in public for the final time as a group in an impromptu rooftop jam session in England. They record their final
sides together in August of that year.
Hard-rock fully emerges from the
experimentation's of the past few years as Led
Zeppelin releases their first two
The Who release "Tommy", the first
widely successful "rock-opera".
Diana Ross leaves the Supremes, who
were the most successful female and black group in history, for a solo career.
FM radio's incursions continue with
each new station playing only one or two "formats" which has the unfortunate result of splitting music on
stylistic and often racial grounds rather than the previously all-inclusive policy of AM
Elvis Presley scores his 18th, and
final, #1 Pop Hit of his career. He'd score 36 different #1 hits on all American charts combined, a record for
rock performers.
The Doors lead singer Jim Morrison
is arrested for indecent exposure during a concert in Miami.
"Kick Out The Jams" by The MC5
introduces the prototype for punk rock.
The Isley Brothers, who's ten year
career to date has resulted in only three large hits, start their own label, T-Neck, and score a major smash
with the single "It's Your Thing", their first funk record as that style replaces soul music as the predominant
force on the R&B Charts.
Two highly publicized rock concerts
mark the end of the decade as first the music festival Woodstock in upstate New York marks the spiritual
conclusion to the sixties and then in December, a concert at the Altamont Speedway in California headlined by
the Rolling Stones turns disastrous as a man is killed by the Hell's Angels hired for security for the
Wynonie Harris, who in 1948 may have
been the first true rock singer, dies at the age of 53.
Defying all conventional wisdom, the
New York Mets win their first World Series led by pitcher Tom Seaver.
Meanwhile, the New York Jets win the
Super Bowl beating the Baltimore Colts and defying all logic... except that of Joe Namath.
Movies and
Easy Rider (starring Peter Fonda)
is the forerunner of a new wave of youth-oriented movies. The Academy award for Best Picture goes
to Midnight
Cowboy starring Jon Voigt and Dustin Hoffman. John Wayne wins
for Best Actor in True
Grit. Paul Newman and Robert Redford star in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance
The most popular series on TV
include Rowan &
Martin's Laugh-In, Gunsmoke, and Bonanza. The Smothers
Brothers Comedy Hour is
cancelled due to a political controversy. Dick Cavett begins his late night talk show to compete with Johnny
Carson. Room
222 is the seaon's most honored new
In time for perhaps the very last of
the boomers, Sesame Street debuts on television.