Daily Oldies Fix
March 24, 2025
Do you need a quick fix? Oldies music fix that is. If so you can
check in here daily for a new five song medley of oldies to start your day off to give you that needed fix for the
day. I guarantee it will put a smile on your face and your feet will start tappin'. What a way to start the day.
The 60s Official Site remains the top choice on the internet to listen to the great sounds of the 60s. Enjoy
whether at work, play or whatever you may be doing. Sing a long with these memories.
On This
Day in Music History
1958 - Elvis Presley was sworn in as a private in the
U.S. Army.
1965 - Bill Wyman was knocked
unconscious by an electrical shock from a microphone stand. It was the first date of the Rolling Stones anniversary
1966 - The New York State Assembly
passed a bill making it a misdemeanor to sell bootlegs.
2010 - Johnny Maestro (lead
singer, The Crests, The Brooklyn Bridge) dies at age 70

Check out today's trivia question Click Here
Join Larry Ravenswood as he
counts down the top 100 songs of 1969 closing out the 60s decade. Click here!
Looking for more music click here.
Today's Chickenman Episode
Solid Gold Memories