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My Shout Out to the 60s Official Site

by Eva Pasco

Wild Mushrooms by Eva PascoThis distinct honor and privilege of becoming an integral part of The Sixties Official Site enabled my memoirs to mushroom wildly. Give or take a few of those originally presented on the site, I published them as a collection in 2017: 100 WILD Mushrooms: Memoirs of the ‘60s:


A Mini Tribute to Twiggy

“The Face of ‘66”—that’s what London’s Daily Expresscalled Leslie Hornby (Twiggy) at the age of 16. Skinny, waiflike, hair chopped into a boyish cut, the modish ingénue became the world’s first supermodel, and at the same time, my heroic icon.

Twiggy allowed me to become a trendsetter my freshman year of high school. While most of my teen peers were ironing their long hair straight after the Beatles made landfall in America, it became Greaser passé for me to backcomb or rat tease my hair to dizzying heights. While most girls my age developed curves and began to veer into the fast lane, I was rake thin and bookish. Kids in my homeroom affectionately called me “Skinny Bones” or “The Brain.”

Twiggy’s debut on the model runway put everything in perspective for me. Suddenly, I transformed into one of the cutest kids in ninth grade sporting my new chic Vidal Sassoon haircut with a peek-a-boo wave, and showing off my fawn legs in fishnet stockings as I sashayed down the classroom aisles in miniskirts.

Today, Twiggy Lawson still offers us Sixties Chicks inspiration with her ethereal beauty, chic manner of dress, and super achievements through acting and singing. Twiggy herself is quoted as saying, “The Sixties were a time when ordinary people could do extraordinary things.”

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Carl Hoffman

Carl Hoffman

Carl - Vietnam 1968

Carl Hoffman - Vietnam 1968

Juke Music

 Eva Pasco Book - Wild Mushrooms