The 60s Official Site Guestbook

HEY this websites awesome was doing a project and stumbled down this rabbit hole of a site, hope to see a sequel some day! :D

Admin reply: Welcome to Rabbit Hole Tanner! Thank you for visiting and for signing the guestbook. Good luck on your project!


Added: November 28, 2023
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I found it very interesting to read your accounts of Circleville from the 60s. Enjoyed that immensely. I graduated 40 years after you from Circleville High School (‘06), which made the article even more special.

Since this article has been written, Circleville has grown a lot! Pickaway county is expected to really explode in population in the coming decades due to Columbus’ growth in the tech & tech related industry sectors. Not sure how I feel about it yet, I like my small town.

Thanks for sharing.

Admin reply: Thank you, Jake, for stopping by. I do get back home every now and then. There is nothing better than getting back home to Circleville from time to time. Yes indeed Circleville and Pickaway County has grown, and I am sure will continue to do so as it is a wonderful place to live.


Added: November 25, 2023
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Thanks Carl for the Soundtracks of the 60s again. Really enjoyed it. My wife and I even got a "shout out" in this one so it was doubly nice for us. Wow, that show is coming up on 6 years old. Where does the time go? Also, really enjoyed the Top 10 songs of 1964. Some great songs. My wife and I graduated high school in 64 and 65 so we heard those songs a lot. I am putting you on my to be thankful for list today for doing what you do. Thank you again.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours today.

Admin reply: Great to hear from you Wally! Yes indeed time flies. Neal was with my site close to 15 years but still seems like yesterday. The greatest music ever recorded come to us from the 60s and yes the countdown from 1964 from that week was no exception. Stay in touch.


Added: November 23, 2023
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Private post. Click to view.

Added: November 16, 2023
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Another great episode of the Soundtrack of the 60's with the late great Neal Stevens thanks Carl for including the original air date April 2018,

Carl May you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving, until next time take care Carl.

Drew :!time:

Admin reply: Thanks for tuning in Drew. Glad to hear you enjoyed. You also have a fine Thanksgiving.


Added: November 5, 2023
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love the site! helped a million with my 60's fashion project. :p ;) :o :D

Admin reply: Thanks for stopping by. I am glad we could help Taya. Good luck on your project.


Added: November 3, 2023
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Nice website I’m 19 and kinda obsessed with old times :D

Admin reply: Thank you Robby for stopping by and signing the guestbook. Happy to hear you enjoyed the visit.


Added: November 2, 2023
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Thanks, you Carl for putting The Soundtrack of 60's back on the air with the one and only Neal "Stevens" Schiff a special thanks you to Linda for allowing you to keep Neal memories alive on the 60's official website,

Great write up on Neal in your soundtrack of the 60's description I enjoyed hearing Neals commentary again.

Wishing you and all who visit your website a fun safe and enjoyable Halloween this year.

Drew :!time:

Admin reply: You are welcome, Drew. Neal had a great following and replaying many of his shows will always keep him in our memories.


Added: October 3, 2023
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Carl.......just finished listening to the Sound Track of the 60s with Neal at the Wheel. It was really great listening to the show again. I'm so happy you decided to put them on again and that Linda agreed too. I think you and Neal will get some new fans. Again, thanks so much for doing it. And, also, the music was great too!

Admin reply: My pleasure Wally. I miss discussing many shows with Neal and doing the research and editing. I had looked forward to it each and every month. Glad you enjoyed listening once again to his October 2022 show.


Added: October 3, 2023
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Hey,Carl, thoughts about doing some of Neal's "moments" of some of his old shows: I think it would be super. And I think Linda will feel the same. Neal was a very funny guy with a great quirky sense of humor. I'll be looking forward to it. Sounds like a lot of work though. God bless you for doing it.

Admin reply: Wally, I feel it will take some time to go through the shows. I have to put it together and to edit. I haven't started yet. I am still pondering how to put it all together.


Added: September 10, 2023
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