Admin reply: Thank you Bill. Thanks for stopping by.
Added: January 16, 2024
Submitted by Name: Bob Halverson From: Minnesota E-mail: Contact
Comments: Signing in here to salute you for your great website and blog, and to ask a question. There is a TV commercial I remember that had a young brother and sister talking and the brother was about to get in trouble. I don't recall the exact circumstance, but I think he was going to or had just done something that would permanently stain his clothes. She said to him, "Mom's gonna kill ya!" But the product the commercial was for saved his life. The ad was pulled quickly and the verbiage was changed to "Mom's gonna be mad!" or something similar. I have looked for this for years and never found it. Any leads out there?
Admin reply: Thanks Bob for visiting and signing the guestbook. I have no clue on that commercial and my research came up with one possibility with the product Bounce. If you have a Facebook account try and post the question on it and see if somebody comes up with the answer. Thanks again.
Added: January 11, 2024
Submitted by Name: Wally Harrison From: Dubuque, Iowa E-mail: Contact
Comments: Once again, thanks Carl for this January show. Enjoyed Neal's show again. Also enjoyed looking around the site some more. If you can't find it here you might not be able to find it. About the 60s I mean. I even got the trivia question about the Bee Gees right. Although I think it was just a lucky guess. Anyway, it is always fun messing around your site.
Admin reply: Great to hear from you Wally and thanks for stopping by and messing around the site. Happy New Year! I drank a Yuengling in Neal's honor on New Years.
Added: January 7, 2024
Submitted by Name: Drew From: Washington State
Comments: Hey Carl, I really enjoy revisiting "Soundtrack of the 60's" with the late great Neal Stevens commentary.
Thanks again for keeping The 60's Official Website up and running for over 18 years I have enjoyed my time spent over the years here! May this New Year 2024 treat you kindly Carl?
Admin reply: Happy New Year to you Drew and thank you for being a loyal fan. May 2024 be more prosperous than 2023 for all of us. God bless you and your family.
Added: January 2, 2024
Submitted by Name: Bill Bellamy From: Canada E-mail: Contact
Comments: Thank you for presenting a more balanced picture of the war in Vietnam. and Thank you for serving. I am saddened by what is happening today in the middle east and the Ukraine. It is beyond me why we in the west can not stand up to these atrocities. I can not but think that 2024 has to be better. Merry Christmas
Admin reply: Thank you for your comments, Bill. Yes, indeed we are not living in the best of times. May a joyous Christmas bring us a better future beginning in 2024.
Added: December 21, 2023
Submitted by Name: paul kinser From: pleasantville,ohio E-mail: Contact
Admin reply: Merry Christmas to you Paul! Thanks for being a fan of The 60s Official Site.
Added: December 17, 2023
Submitted by Name: Wally Harrison From: Dubuque, Iowa E-mail: Contact
Comments: Once again, thank you Carl for the December show. It was nice going back to December 2018 again with Soundtracks of the 60s. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and your family.
Admin reply: Merry Christmas to you and your family Wally. Indeed it was a really great show during the holiday season that was presented by Neal in his Neal Stevens style.
Added: December 11, 2023
Submitted by Name: Jacob Dorris From: Springfield, TN E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi, Carl! Is this site for education, information, or nostalgia? Whatever it is, this site was great fun to stumble across. how long has the site been operational? Thanks for your good work!
Admin reply: Thank you, Jacob, for signing the guestbook and for stopping by. This site has been in operation for over 18 years. It is a nostalgia site as well as historical as the facts of the 60s here have been researched. Many school educators have used this site as well as students doing research. Thanks again.
Added: December 6, 2023
Submitted by Name: Drew From: Washington State
Comments: Season greeting Carl, another gem soundtrack of the 60's yet they're all gems!
Wishing you and your family a warm and wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year Carl.
Admin reply: Merry Christmas Drew and a very pleasant holiday season to you. Thanks for checking in to revisit Neal Stevens and the Soundtrack of the 60s.
Added: December 4, 2023
Submitted by Name: Bob From: Diner E-mail: Contact
Comments: Carl! You're site is still about! That's impressive my friend. When I found this site way back whenever, it was along side The Mickey Mouse Clubs site. Ah the memories. Isn't it interesting how most human beings remember the fond portions of their childhood? I've conversed with a few Russians and they miss the cold frigid real estate of their childhoods as well. I wish you many more memories to be made, Carl.
Admin reply: Thank you for finding us once again, Bob. Fond memories are indeed never to be forgotten.
Name: Bill Myers
From: Louisiana
E-mail: Contact
Private post. Click to view.
Admin reply: Thank you Bill. Thanks for stopping by.